Hire a Cessna Citation Mustang Very Light Jet

The Cessna Citation Mustang was launched in 2007 and was the first ever Very Light Jet (VLJ) on the market. Cessna believed they had found a gap in the private charter industry and, if the Mustang's success is anything to go by, they were right. Since 2005, over 350 of these extremely popular jets have been produced and delivered to operators and Embraer and Honda have both reacted and launched competing VLJs. Although these are marginally larger than the Mustang, its cabin is still comfortable and seats 4 passengers. Furthermore, this aircraft offers excellent value for money, frequently being the most affordable jet on the market and often beating turbo-propeller aircraft in terms of price. All things considered, the Mustang is perfectly suited for intra-European short-haul flights, same-day business flights and weekend excursions.

Cessna Citation Mustang

Cabin Specifications




Plan of the interior cabin layout of the Cessna Citation Mustang private jet

Length: 2.97 meters

Height: 1.37 meters

Width: 1.4 meters



Range Map