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Discover Luxury Travel to Nuremberg Airport (NUE) with LunaJets

Step into the world of luxury and convenience with LunaJets. Nuremberg Airport is your gateway to the intriguing blend of historic richness and contemporary elegance of Bavaria, Germany. We ensure that your journey to this captivating city is as engaging as the destination itself.

Pricing for Private Jet Charters to Nuremberg Airport

Discover the convenience of our private jet charter options from various prominent airports in Europe to Nuremberg. Here's a snapshot of the estimated pricing:

Departure AirportDestination Airport (NUE)Aircraft ModelFlight DurationPrice in Euros
Paris Le BourgetNuremberg AirportFalcon 20001h 30m€9,500
London Biggin Hill AirportNuremberg AirportCitation XLS2h 05m€10,000
Geneva AirportNuremberg AirportChallenger 3501h 20m€7,200
Milan Linate AirportNuremberg AirportLearjet 751h 05m€6,000
Berlin Brandenburg AirportNuremberg AirportHawker 800XP0h 55m€5,800
Hamburg AirportNuremberg AirportEmbraer Legacy 4500h 50m€5,200

Please note that the prices in the table are estimates. View our complete price guide for more details.

Nuremberg Airport at a Glance

Here's a snapshot of Nuremberg Airport:

GPS Location49.4987° N, 11.0669° E
Elevation1,046 ft / 319 m
Number of Runways2
Number of Terminals2

Specific Details about Private Aviation at Nuremberg Airport

A view of private jets lined up on the runway at Nuremberg Airport.
Private jets ready for takeoff at Nuremberg Airport

Nuremberg Airport's General Aviation Terminal (GAT) stands as a testament to personalized service and opulence. Unlike commercial travel, passengers of general aviation are provided comprehensive services, including exclusive VIP-packages that transform a typical travel experience into a seamless and luxurious journey.

Moreover, Nuremberg's strategic location and exceptional ground handling streamline your journey, allowing more time to enjoy what the city has to offer.

Explanation of why LunaJets Offers the Best Service for this Subject

LunaJets takes pride in offering unparalleled service, catering to your unique needs. With a vast selection of aircraft at your disposal, our jet comparator allows you to compare the options, guaranteeing the most competitive rates.

Our commitment to customer service, attention to detail, and close cooperation with Nuremberg Airport ensures that your every need is met. Experience the finest in private travel with LunaJets.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the opening hours of the General Aviation Terminal (GAT) at Nuremberg Airport?

The General Aviation Terminal (GAT) operates from Monday to Friday between 6:00 am and 9:30 pm (LT), and on Saturdays and Sundays, it is open from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm (LT).

Can I book a private jet to Nuremberg Airport online?

Yes, LunaJets offers a seamless online booking experience.

Is ground transportation available at Nuremberg Airport?

Yes, luxury ground transportation can be arranged through LunaJets.

Still questions? Ask our team!

Nathan Tauby Private Aviation Advisor

Nathan Tauby

Private Aviation Advisor


Thomas Besson Private Aviation Advisor

Thomas Besson

Private Aviation Advisor


Our Private Jet Advisors are available 24/7 to help you through every step of your booking process.



Nuremberg Airport, steeped in history yet at the forefront of modern aviation, offers a gateway like no other. Whether you're looking to explore the rich culture of the region or conducting important business, the efficiency and comfort of private aviation ensures an unforgettable experience. Hire a Private Jet from/to Nuremberg with LunaJets, and revel in a journey that's as exceptional as the destination itself.

Photos: Albrecht Dürer Airport Nürnberg